Life Story

Tea with your snow


Five things about me. Typically I’d cheerfully decline this type of forwarded link-up, but Bridget is like my blogging godmother or something, and I just can’t do it. So here goes, a few things made more interesting by the fact that hopefully you didn’t guess them immediately:

1 I’m on Pinterest, but not really. Does it feel like some a lot of people are incredibly good at Pinterest? Did they already have binders of carefully labeled “For the Home” sheets, and just moved everything over to the internet once the chance came along? Though digital, my folders still manage to be motley collection of half scribbled notes with no reasonable themes.

2 I was raised vegetarian but my mom never really told us or made a big deal about it. Thus, I thought (vegetarian) hot dogs were really bad tasting, even though everyone else seemed to love them. I remember when my friend told me what we were having for dinner at a sleepover and I asked her what hamburgers were.

3 I broke up with Joe one month after we first starting dating because I thought he wasn’t the guy for me. I just stopped emailing/calling him back with almost no explanation. Then we didn’t date for two years. I stilllll regret hurting his feelings and being a jerk. Break-up nice, people. You never know when they might turn out to be your husband.

4 I’m really petite and when I was young it drove me crazy how everyone commented on it. Every. last. person. I soo wanted to be normal. I get it now, and I’m grateful for a fast metabolism, but I still kind of hate it when people talk about my height/weight/size. I think I’m good at meeting new people because I accustomed to quickly coming up with conversation topics that don’t involve my physical appearance.

I’m left handed and not-so-secretly think left handed people are superior to right handed ones. They just seem more interesting in an unpredictable way, across the board. So I’m a tiny, unreasonably bit disappointed that it looks like Lux is going to be right handed.

Please comment with at least one thing I do not know about you. And I am non-forcefully linking on. If you wish, MA ladies: Julie, Anna, Melissa, and Abbie.

these photos were taken at blogshop. Gotta use ’em up before my hair changes again, or my taste in clothes.



  • melissa martin

    fun! i’ll see if i can come up with some, currently, i can’t think of anything interesting about myself. ha! ummm, how about I’ve completed 6 marathons?! 🙂

  • Jessica

    When I as little I lived at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge for a little while. It was glorious 🙂 Oh, and my boyfriend is a lefty and I confess, I think it’s super sexy.

  • Bridget Hunt

    Rachael! I did not expect you to do this. Tagged you anyway but I was gonna be surprised if you took me up on it. Consider me surprised.

    Steve’s lefthanded too, did you know that? You left-handed people are kindred spirits. Commonalities in hatred for traditional scissors and the desks at school. It’s a right-handed world.

    Breakup nice, such a good motto. I still (still!) have regrets about how quickly I cut things off with my boyfriend before Steve. No explanation really. And we dated a lonnnng time too. Mentally, I’d already moved on, and he really is (was?) one of the kindest people. I’ve thought about apologizing since (we’re talking like 8 years later at this point) but I think that’d be more for me than him at this point, you know?

    Okay, this is becoming the Bridget show so I’m going to stop. The vegetarian thing is really funny. Are your parents still vegetarians?

    • Rachael Ringenberg

      Aha! If I had talked to Steve just a tiny bit longer I would have learned the truth…
      And that poor nice guy. Of course you can’t call him, just like I really can’t make up for being mean. We just have to hope to pay it forward next time.

  • Emily R-C

    Well. You already read my list, but here’s another fun one: on my first date with Ofer, the night before Halloween, I showed up to his house and he was dressed like a mime. Face paint and everything. I had no idea the dressing up situation was going to be happening. Also: he, in true mime fashion, did not speak for 30 minutes. On our first date.

  • Anna {dear friend}

    Love the bit about Joe. It was kind of the same way for me and Zan (the not-so-nice person being me, also). We weren’t ever dating at the beginning, but I knew that he liked me and I just wasn’t ready for it. For about a year I left him in the dust. Then I saw him again one night at a bar and instantly I was like, “Wait. Yes. Now is right.”

    Funny how things work out sometimes.

    I am putting my 5 things up now. Had fun working on it last night!

  • Christine

    No one knows this, but I am also disappointed that my kiddos won’t be left-handed like me. It’s always been one of my favorite things about myself.

  • noelle

    Did I ever tell you how delighted I was when we met to find that you were also not tall? The same goes now for being left-handed. I think I started willing West to be one of us the same day he was born.

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