The way you can’t cut a rug
In the realm of pop music, I prefer to shut down my usual critical nature and completely love whatever it is. You can name almost any Top 40 pop band since 1990 and I will have loved them, until I played their song on repeat 40 times and couldn’t stomach ever listening again. So obviously I’ve long-since downloaded Train’s new “Hey, Soul Sister.” (which you too can listen to here.) And what could be better than that song, but on a ukulele? Yes, I am annoyed by the clearly drunken wedding guests who don’t realize the beauty of what they are beholding. Do hold out until the bridge at 1:34 where the kid really gets a chance to go at it.
I saw this on, but actually credit goes to Joe because he saw it and, remembering that I had been singing the same song for the past three days, pointed it out to me.
Melissa Baldwin
That is awesome. If you like that you must love this one. It is on repeat at FandM campus. You can dedicate this to Joe.
Mixed reviews on Ke$. I was delighted when I first heard the song on the radio but I understand why some people (Joe) aren’t that into her.