Life Story

admiring photographers

I started an eight week intro to digital photography class last night. one of those continuing education classes that is just as you imagine: a dusty classroom in a grim building in central Boston, a class of professionals weary but thrilled to be finally doing something for themselves at the end of the day. a car salesmen who likes sports photography. an irish guy who coordinates study abroad tours and wants to document his trips better. a Chilean interior designer who want to be more than just the set designer. a doctor in his fifties who has always loved his camera.

as I get to know the mysterious buttons my camera (canon 20d) better, and think about what photos I want to take better, I’ve started making a list of photographers I admire. First on the list is Olivia Bee.

I will always admire photos with people as the subjects. they seem to be the most work and take the most courage on the part of the photographer. you have to be able to pull out of your situation, look around, take a step back, and take the photo.


seventeen-year-old olivia bee is really good at it. especially that elusive truly-candid look. I hope can be brave and really capture the things that catch my eye.

all photos from Olivia Bee’s spraaang 2011 on flickr.

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