• Darn Good Ideas,  Entertainment,  Good design

    Sart. Craft

    A great little video in which The Sartorialist talks about his craft, and we get to see how he approaches people on the street, which I’ve always wondered.


    I’m glad he did this longer feature piece because when this surfaced awhile ago, the haters were all “oh the sartorialist is so annoying and bossy.”

    We are such the benefactors of this new “we like what you like” approach to advertising, aren’t we? I hope they never go back to the meaningless ’90s-Super-Bowl-ad style we were all put through in our youth.

    seen on Chris Glass, but it’s everywhere now

  • Darn Good Ideas


    I like this photo of Kanye West’s studio in Hawaii where he and a whole bunch of people worked on Runaway. Creative group work is tough.

    No hipster hats

    No tweeting

    All laptops on mute

    No negative blog viewing

    You can see more behind the scene photos over at Complex Magazine.

  • Darn Good Ideas

    Loving Us

    Thank you very much, I like to go to independent coffeehouses where my money is going directly back into the local economy and the…what? Oh, it’s gold? And it will have my name on it? Wow. That sounds amazing.

    Have you joined Starbucks in their antics to just plain like you more? Joe and I just did. (There are three Starbucks within a five minute walk from our apartment. And one independent that makes a lousy cappuccino.) So far I’m 35 visits away from the bling-in-the-wallet. But I’m fascinated by the idea. What other company would you like to see this type of thing from? For me, it would be gas stations. What is it with gas stations and refusing to make anything to do with them actually fun? You know–playlists at the pump, free Icee on return visits, popcorn for the kids, etc. How about a little customer love, guys.

    Photo by SoopahViv.

  • Art,  Darn Good Ideas

    Missed Connections

    One of my post-college roommates was a Craigslist Missed Connections obsessor. She’d check them over every day, and occasionally read them aloud to me. They always seemed romantic, or at least dashingly honest. I think Sophie Blackwell illustrations of them are genius. The combination of her watercolors and script and someone else’s passing thought is so “what are we doing here anyway?” Whenever I ride the Boston T, it seems like all of us will never notice each other or the passing breeze of serendipity ever again. But evidently, at least according to the Missed Connections section, people are still paying attention.



  • Darn Good Ideas

    Things we say we want


    I’ve been thinking about a quote about making things happen, like really happen, said by Patrick the husband of the husband & wife duo behind Tennis. Tennis is a new band with a lovely sound but only three songs. Better than their album length is their story of refurbishing a sailboat and making their way up the eastern seaboard together. The AV Club interviewed Patrick, and here’s what he said about making “dreams” a reality:

    AVC: Going on an extended tour of the seas is no small ambition. How’d you make that happen?

    PR: I started seriously saving for a sailboat about four years ago. That’s when I decided that I can’t go to concerts anymore because when I go to a concert, I want a beer. All of a sudden a $10 cover turns into $25 if I want a record or something. These last three years have really been about shaping our desires through a life of saving rather than destroying all our desires by wanting to go out and buy stuff. We didn’t really go to concerts for the last three years at all. We were on this hardcore saving plan, where every ounce of money was going into the bank or going into a mutual fund, just trying to get as much money as possible. Then we did it, and everyone was like, “Well, that was weird. How did you do that?” It’s not that hard if you just realize it. If you want to go backpacking in Patagonia for a year, if you want to live in Europe for a year, make a plan. It’s totally possible today.

    And while we’re at it, isn’t the music great too?

  • Darn Good Ideas,  Entertainment

    The Hustwit Film: Urbanized

    I thought the documentaries Helvetica and Objectified were really a pleasure to watch, not just for the design-nerdy. They focus on things we deal with in our everyday worlds—signage, bad bathroom door design, silly chairs, delightful appliances—and I thought it was really rewarding and fun to finally have the chance to think about all the little things in our lives that take up our days.

    So it’s great to finally hear what Gary Hustwit’s last design-trilogy film will be: Urbanized. As many of my friends and I have migrated inevitably from the country to the city, of course we’re all thinking about the perks and blows of city life & design. Urbanized will come out in 2011. You can read an interview about the big news here. Go Gary!