• Good design

    just great stuff to read

    Happy Weekend! I thought I would share some essays/hodge-podge that I’ve really enjoyed reading lately. These completely unrelated drawings of Joan Didion and Vendela Vida talking are by Wendy Macnaughton.

    The Vital Importance of the Top 10 Korean Pop Songs, by David Cho. a funny writer who’s Korean explains the almost hysterical importance of pop music in Korea. You get to hear more about Girls Generation, that group of nine Korean girls that is apparently enormously, and economically influentially, popular.

    Walking Dead recap, by Starlee Kine. I’m linking to a month old recap because I don’t actually watch the shows, I just read the recaps. Grotesque violence is so much fun to read related in a candid, distant tone. Here’s an amazing moment I experienced this week that reminded me of this recap: I’m sitting in a Bible study with free childcare (a big reason why I was there) and an older, very nice and soft-spoken woman, starts explaining connections between the passage and The Walking Dead episodes. Clearly not another woman in the place had ever watched a show, but this woman was a huge fan, and wanted to relate how much the scenes reminded her of the verses we were studying. I tried to nod along empathetically, but I was in the back row and I’m sure I was drowned out by the agape mouths that surrounded me.

    A Rough Guide to Disney, by John Jeremiah Sullivan. (or, as I pitched it to Joe, “Dads finding nooks in which to smoke pot while at Disney.”) I saved the best for last! I’m reading a collection of essays by JJS right now, and I’ll just casually share that NPR suggested he might be the best magazine essayist alive right now. This essay is not in the book, but it is free to read online, and it so good and about so many different things at the same time, and illustrative of why you might want to add his book to your Christmas list.

  • Good design,  Life Story

    Closet Cleanup

    I am in the heady midst of one of those reorganizations wherein I dump everything out of my drawers and make several piles around my bedroom: on the floor, in a chair, on the bed. These piles soon grow so large and embracing that I have trouble distinguishing them from one another. Then I start trying on items to see if they fit, and if so, in what way. Soon I’m wandering around the apartment in an outfit that I love, but that I never wore because the elements were buried, all built from clothes that I can’t wear now because the season has changed.

    With this reorganization I am targeting a particular problem: because I save old clothes as well as clothes I really like, if I just glance in my closet it’s hard for me to see my best things right away. Instead I see a bunch of weary running t-shirts from the ’70s (I refer to these as “heirlooms” in my head) mixed in with several nice sweaters, one of which is moth-eaten because it has been abandoned for so long.

    I’m also attempting something I’ve imagined for years, but couldn’t do before the iPhone: take photos in the mirror of completed outfits and create an album on my computer. Some days I can think of three great outfits, some days I can’t see anything but my duck sweatshirt (these days seem to be steadily growing). Solved!

    anyone have a favorite fall trend you’re latching onto and turning into your signature look?




  • Good design

    Adventures in Photography

    dear xobreakfast reminded me it might be nice for a follow-up about my class.

    I’ve only had two so far, but I am loving it! The first class we went over what all those curious buttons meant. Of course I didn’t remember everything the first time but after they were explained once, it’s about practicing and slowly creating habits of what works.

    For the first class the homework was playing with the fstop and experimenting with depth of field.

    I decided to take a note from Garance and write all over my photos in fluorescent colors. If you click on any of these photos, they will suddenly be huge in your browser.

    like the pros, I must tell you what camera I have. It is a Canon 20d. I bought it because Chris Glass used to have it, and said he liked it.

    Because this model is rather old news these days, (it doesn’t even know what the word video means) you can buy it used for a relative steal online.

    Taking a class is lovely because it gives you an excuse to haul your camera everywhere, and annoyingly break-off mid-sentence to snap photos of artsy doorways.

    Next assignment: portraiture! This is intimidating because it involves playing with lights and whiteboards, and those types of things. Hopefully I will have something pretty to show you next time.

  • Baby,  Good design

    Store Appreciation: Kiosk

    I love clicking around the internet home of Kiosk because they’ve got literally the best collection of things you never knew you wanted. and so clickable….

    This past weekend we were given two baby gifts from them and now I like them even more: they include little explanatory tags with each item, describing where the item was from and why they liked it. Nice red tape corners too. It’s the details, amiright?

    This xylophone, made of wood and metal, is from Germany. Look at that handy carrying handle for when Lux is busking around Boston!

  • Good design

    Teenage Folk Art

    I think the teenage fashion blogger Tavi is a folk art genius.

    “I am a big advocate for decorating and writing in books and lending and giving them to people. This one had a nice letter from the person who gave it to me on the inside that I didn’t find for months until I started reading it, which was quite a nice surprise, and I support stickers of any kind on anything. The last time Ella and I did the Ouija board I needed somewhere to write the answers, and I like having them on the inside of the back cover.”  –read the whole oogum boogum post here